Talent forms the backbone of GMR Group and our programmes are designed and developed with the employee as it’s core.
GMR Group of companies is built around the group’s seven values and beliefs which is the embodiment the way it works. We welcome on board talent aligned to these values over and above an individual’s domain experience.
The organization’s philosophy is to build and nurture home grown talent across levels based on meritocracy and potential. Supporting this initiative is our process of identifying employees who have the potential to grow with us. Identified high potential talent is developed through our flagship program. Our belief is in building holistic corporate professionals and thereby exposure to development would be incomplete without Corporate Social Responsibility, Spirituality, coaching and mentoring.
As an organization we are able to offer employees internal growth opportunities across businesses – from Airports to Energy to Highways to Corporate and vice-versa, all under one umbrella.
"GMR Group will be an institution in perpetuity that will build entrepreneurial organizations, making a difference to society through creation of value"
We value intellectual modesty and detest false pride and arrogance
We seek opportunities - they are everywhere
Nurturing a relationship of trust, collaboration and mutual respect
We value a deep sense of responsibility and self discipline, to meet and surpass commitments made
We cherish the lifelong commitment to deepen our self awareness, explore, experiment and improve our potential
Anticipating and meeting relevant and emerging needs of society
We spend wisely and judiciously
GMR Group does not appoint agents to make job offers on behalf of the company. Please report such instances to info@gmrgroup.in
Services Business
Urban Infrastructure