Green Buildings at GMR AeroCity Hyderabad

15 February 2022

Smart and sustainable green buildings are the future. The World Green Building Council defines a green building as one that "in its design, construction or operation, reduces or eliminates negative impacts, and can create positive impacts, on our climate and natural environment; preserves precious natural resources and improve our quality of life." The growing climate change, water scarcity, solid waste has further put pressure to build sustainable, energy -resource efficient, environment friendly buildings in the cities. The sustainable green buildings not only foster quality of life but also opens to an environment that addresses climate change, creates sustainable and thriving communities, drives economic growth, improves occupant productivity, conserves natural resources, improves air and water quality, protects biodiversity and ecosystems, reduces wastage of water and energy, and creates a market for green products and services.


As a sustainable corporate, GMR AeroCity Hyderabad has recognized the importance of the Green Buildings and has increasingly engaged and contributed to building green projects.

In recognition to its commitment towards green efforts, GMR Fulfillment Center at GMR AeroCity Hyderabad has been awarded with the prestigious EDGE (Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies) Advanced Certificate. Spread across 94,574.6 square meter with a floor area of 51,154 square meter, the project achieved carbon neutrality with predicted savings of 77% in Energy, 84% in Water and 70% Less Embodied Energy in Materials and total 790.16 tons of CO2 per year.

As an ardent supporter of Green Buildings, the GMR Fulfillment Center undertook several measures to support the development of a sustainable eco system. It implemented several green measures like the use of renewable energy, recycling of water, installation of energy-efficient equipment, water efficient systems and energy efficient building materials to name a few.

Lighting and air-conditioning systems are one of the major contributors to energy bills. To address these aspects, GMR Fulfillment Center has installed energy efficient LED systems both in internal and external spaces while a landscape of energy efficient cooling systems including Air-Cooled, Water-Cooled and VRF systems coupled with variable speed drives (VSD) for air-handling units (AHU) have been commissioned. Further, to reduce the dependency on the grid, GMR Fulfillment Center have gone the renewable energy way by installing solar voltaic of capacity 1014 kWp, which contributes to 60.5% of annual electricity use.

As a part of its energy conservation, various energy efficiency measures like reduced window-to-wall-ratio, insulation of roof and external walls to decrease the heat ingress into the Fulfillment Center were implemented. Energy consuming lighting and air-conditioning systems were replaced by energy efficient LED systems.

Various water efficiency measures were also implemented across the Fulfillment Center. To reduce water usage, "Flush Me Not" a waterless program was initiated at the facility. Through this program, conventional urinals were converted to water-less urinals that led to 90% reduction in water usage and equivalent cost savings. In addition to this, water efficient faucets, flush for water closets were also installed.


Taking ahead the conservation practices, STP (Sewerage Treatment Plant) of 190 KLD capacity for recycling of water was installed. The recycled water is re- used in toilet flushes and irrigation facilities thereby contributing to reduction of freshwater consumption.

Environment friendly materials were used for the construction of the facility viz. AAC (Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Blocks) for internal and external walls, concrete and timber for flooring and slabs, steel sheets on steel rafters and steel profile cladding for external walls.

Over the years, GMR Aerospace & Industrial Park in GMR AeroCity Hyderabad has successfully managed to make a mark as Hyderabad's largest hub for warehousing facilities used by more than thirty leading multi-national companies in India.

Being part of Airport ecosystem, GMR AeroCity Hyderabad, has won many accolades over the years from national & international bodies for its service and infrastructure superiority and consistency. Spread across 1500 acres, it is envisaged to be an integrated mixed-use development, which includes key ports and establishments, viz. Business Park, Retail Park, Aerospace and Industrial Park, Logistics Park, Hospitality etc. and has Green concept as an ingredient in all its projects.